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    Sunday, May 10, 2009

    Dragon Dance Video from the Face & Body Art International Convention (FABAIC) 2008

    Nearly a year ago I travelled over to Florida to be an instructor at FABAIC and part of the amazing experience I had over there involved taking part in Bodies Alive! This was a performance involving lots of body painting, dance, culture and much more.

    I wrote about this soon after I got home:

    The performance was filmed but soon after the film became lost and we thought we would never see it - however Christopher Agostino, whose idea the show was, has tracked it down and it is now available to see!!!

    I was involved in the Dragon Dance team and we had to go onstage during the dance and transform our "peacock" into a dragon. (I'm the one painting the orange model on the left!) Here's the link to the video of the Dragon Dance:

    Some other clips from the show can be found here:

    UV Action Painting:
    Jinny's Singing Faces:
    Metamorphosis Models:

    The singing faces were utterly fantastic and ridiculously funny. :)

    I hope you enjoy.

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